Conway's Life

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As of October, 2016, Embarcadero is offering a free release of Delphi (Delphi 10.1 Berlin Starter Edition ).     There are a few restrictions, but it is a welcome step toward making more programmers aware of the joys of Delphi.  They do say "Offer may be withdrawn at any time", so don't delay if you want to check it out.  Please use the feedback link to let me know if the link stops working.


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Mensa® Daily Puzzlers

For over 15 years Mensa Page-A-Day calendars have provided several puzzles a year for my programming pleasure.  Coding "solvers" is most fun, but many programs also allow user solving, convenient for "fill in the blanks" type.  Below are Amazon  links to the two most recent years.

Mensa® 365 Puzzlers  Calendar 2017

Mensa® 365 Puzzlers Calendar 2018

(Hint: If you can wait, current year calendars are usually on sale in January.)


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Problem Description

4_8_12_Diamond  (Start) Generation 10 Generation 46 (last)

Here are two versions of the "game" of Life, an example of cell automata;  things (cells) that can reproduce and die based on their environment.  

Background & Techniques

Every puzzle and game programmer's portfolio should include two standards, John Conway's Game of Life and Fractals, neither one of which currently appears here on DFF.  Today's posting will fill one of those gaps.   I decided to do it while searching for a beginner's level program since I have been neglecting them recently.     The problem is, I now serve two masters - programmers interested in the code and real people who are interested in running the code for some entertainment, educational, or practical purpose.   And most beginner level programs are not likely to be very interesting to users. So here are two versions; one as simple as possible for the beginning Delphian and one that that builds on the simple version.

Mathematician John Conway designed the game in 1970 based on two simple rules.  The board is a rectangular grid of cells each of which is either occupied or empty.   After setting an initial starting set of occupied cells, we move to the next generation according to rules about the the state of the neighbors, the 8 cells which surround it.

Rule 1:  If an occupied cell has two or three neighbors, it is happy and remains unchanged.  Otherwise it is too lonely or too crowded and dies (cell becomes unoccupied).

Rule 2:  If an empty cell has exactly 3 neighbors, a birth occurs and the cell becomes occupied.  Don't ask me what kind of life form requires three parents for a birth - I didn't make the rules!

That's it.  Search the web for Conway's Life and you'll find many, many pages of sample patterns, an entire lexicography of named terms for patterns and behaviors, and  a number of other programs including one written in Delphi which handles board sizes up to 1 million x 1 million cells!    And lots of discussions of gliders, sliders, boats, guns, spaceships and oscillators just to name a few. 

The simple version, V1,   changes the state of each cell that gets a mouse click for setting up a pattern.  The Step button creates the next generation.  The board is 25x25 cells.  That's about it. 

Version 2 adds the ability to load and save  pattern  files, automatically moves from generation to generation at a user specified rate, and allows board  to be set to 25x25, 50x50, or 100x100 cells.   I have included a few sample pattern files as a starter set.    You can find hundreds more at   Simply copy and paste a pattern into a text file to load and run it.   The files are the simplest possible format, a  text file array of '.' and 'O' characters define the pattern ('O' = 'Occupied').  The array is centered on am empty grid when loaded into the program. 

 For either version, patterns that expand beyond the limits of the grid "wrap around"  as if the first column was to the right of the last column and the top row was below the bottom row.  Topologically its as if the board was printed on a cylinder whose ends were then joined together to make doughnut (Ok, a torus, if you want to be technical)..

Non-programmers are welcome to read on, but may want to skip to the bottom of this page to download executable version of Version 2 of the program.

Notes for Programmers

Version 1 uses two 2-dimensional  arrays of Boolean (true/false) variables, CurrentGrid and NextGrid, to hold the current and the next generation configurations, (True for occupied, False for empty). The new generation depends on the old generation neighbor counts before any updating occurs, thus the need for two grids. A TStringrid control, Stringgrid1,  provides the visual picture of the current configuration.   The MakeStep procedure generates each new generation by counting the neighbors for each cell and applying the rules described above to set the cell value in NextGrid and StringGrid1.  After all cells have been checked, NextGrid is copied to CurrentGrid.  

MakeStep contains about half of the 100 user written instructions in the program.  The other routines are event exits which are called automatically when certain events occur:

bullet Form1Activate is an OnActivate exit which initializes CurrentGrid with False values at startup time.
bulletStringGrid1DrawCell is an OnDrawCell exit for Stringgrid1 which is called when windows wants to write each cell.  It fills the cell with a black or white rectangle depending on whether cell text is empty or contains a value.
bulletStringGrid1Click responds to user clicks on Sringgrid1 (an OnClick event exit) to change the cell value from empty to '1' or from '1' to empty. 

Version 2 contains 2 or 3 times more code than V1.  Added features include:

bulletBoard size can now be changed by the user.  This means that the arrays must now be dynamic.  I combined CurrentGrid and NextGrid into a single Grid array with a 3rd dimension.  Grid[0]  and Grid[1] now contain current and next generations with their roles determined by variables Active and Next.  Before updating, Next is set to (Active +1) mod 2 which effectively points it to the non-active array.  After it is updated, Active is set to Next.
bulletThe StartBtnClick routine, which  just called MakeStep in V1,  now contains a new loop making new generations at a rate selected by the user.  MakeStep  is now a function which returns true if the new generation changed from the old.  This allows the loop to know when to stop.  Note that lots of patterns end in oscillators which the current code does not recognize.
bullet The radio button group control RateGrp allows the user to select from several refresh rates as next generations are created.   The OnClick exit for RateGrp, RateGrpClick, sets a global LoopTime variable which StartBtnClick uses to sleep awhile between generation updates.   
bulletProcedure Setsize resets to program to an initialized state.   It is called from a number of other event routines
bulletSizegrpClick when grid size is changed.
bulletRestoreGrid called from a new RestoreBtn button  to reset the board to its initial pattern state.
bulletFormActivate to initialize at program start time.
bullet:LoadBtnClick before loading a new pattern
bulletClearBtnClick to let the user clear a pattern and reset counters.
bullet.FormResize is called when form size is changed.  StringGrid1 has its anchor properties set to left, right, top and bottom so  the grid expands and contracts automatically when the user resizes the form.  FormResize resets the row height and column width to fill the new size as nearly as possible.
bulletLoad and Save buttons.  LoadbtnClick  loads a file and calls the Savegrid procedure to make a copy of the initial pattern which can be restored later using RestoreBtn.

Running/Exploring the Program 

bullet Download source
bullet Download  executable (Version 2 only)

Suggestions for Further Explorations

Evidently, from browsing, it looks like there are  a lifetime's worth of potential enhancements.  On the other hand, most of them have already been done in a much more polished form than I'm interested in producing.

bullet Other pattern file formats - there seems to be a number of more sophisticated formats which could be recognized by the program.
bullet The Restore button cannot be used after a grid size change.  It could be if the grid size was increase and the saved grid were re-centered into the new grid.  
bullet Larger, more efficient configuration arrays. 
bullet Option to recognize neighbors of edge cells by wrapping (the current mode) or treating out-of-bounds neighbors as empty.  Some of the patterns have "gliders" or whatever the proper name is for little figures that would like to fly off into infinity.  Currently they just reappear from the other other side of the "doughnut".
bullet It would be cool to be able to copy and paste a patter from anther source directly on the string grid without having to save it to a text file first.  I wonder how one would do that.


Original Date: May 10, 2007

Modified: May 15, 2018


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